Discount with Panama Bay Tours ride around the Bay

Panama Bay Tours is a company 100% Panamanian dedicated to tourism, which brings you an eco-tour that will take you to spectacular natural sites of the Bay of Panama and see whales on their migratory season:

Pay $40 for a tour for two people with possible sightings of whales (value $80).

On this tour you will pass by the bridge of the Americas, Panama Ports, Diablo ramp (expansion of the canal), Calzada de Amador and the area of anchorage of boats in the Bay.

Arriving in Anchorage, they will sail a little more outside in search of a chance of seeing whales. The whale watching season extends from July to October, when cetaceans seek warm Panamanian waters to reproduce.

Humpback whales are the most easy to see since they remain on the surface for longer and they are known as the "acrobats of the sea".

In addition, be pulled fishing poles so some lucky customer will have the opportunity to catch a fish (which can release or take home) as something extra to the experience.

The outputs of the tour are all Saturdays and Sundays at 3 different times, depending on availability.

Enjoy a ride unsurpassed by the Panama Bay with your family and friends thanks to Panama Bay Tours & Fishing.